Roundup: March 26, 2018

In this week’s Roundup!

–Akron seeks speed trap cash from National Safety Council–

–Florida Gang Cops can’t write seat belt tickets–

–Minnesota Lawmakers want to audit ALPRs–

Friday, March 23, 2018
Towns Seek Speed Trap Cash From Group That Profits From Tickets
The city council in Akron, Ohio, on Monday adopted an ordinance authorizing the mayor to ask the National Safety Council for $198,389 to pay for a speeding ticket blitz. This “Road to Zero” grant funding would be used to purchase new radar and laser speed guns and to pay police officers 150 percent of their regular salary while issuing those citations. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides $3 million in taxpayer funding for the National Safety Council’s grant program.

Thursday, March 22, 2018
Florida Gang Unit Cops May Not Write Seatbelt Tickets
A Florida police officer detailed to a special county gang task force has no power to write traffic tickets outside of his regular jurisdiction. The state Court of Appeal on Wednesday rejected the charges that followed from a seatbelt ticket written against Michael Biondi, a motorist unlawfully stopped by a task force member who misunderstood the limits of his authority.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Minnesota Lawmakers Wants To Audit License Plate Cameras
House and Senate committees in Minnesota gave a preliminary go ahead to a legislative proposal that would update transparency requirements for agencies that use automated license plate readers (ALPR, known as ANPR in Europe). The measures under consideration would adjust existing law to require law enforcement to report more fully on their use of the devices in a biennial audit.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Trucking, Automobile Groups Team Up Against Pennsylvania Toll Road
Independent groups that represent the interests of truckers and motorists are challenging the heavy tolls imposed on users of Pennsylvania’s highways. The Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), which represents 160,000 commercial truck drivers who own their own rigs, teamed up with the National Motorists Association (NMA) last week to argue that the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) uses excess toll profit to pad state coffers in violation of the interstate commerce clause.

Monday, March 19, 2018
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Wrapped, Painted, Stoned
In Maimrolle, France, officials were anxious to see the large number of tickets generated by a speed camera newly installed on the RN57 last Tuesday. The feeling did not last long, as vigilantes blinded the device with black spraypaint on Friday, L’Est Republicain reported. Green was the color of choice to disable the speed camera in Souain-Perthes-les-Hurlus last week Monday, according to L’Union. In Dordogne, bright orange spraypaint was used on a speed camera on the RD707 on Tuesday, France Bleu reported.

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