Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Australian Company Sees Big Profit On US Roads
Transurban on Tuesday told Australian Securities Exchange investors that its tolling revenue jumped 17 percent to $1.9 billion during fiscal year 2016. A growing chunk of that revenue is coming from motorists traveling on Virginia highway lanes that were once free to use.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Federal Judge Issues Interim Ruling In Redflex Fraud Suit
A federal judge on Monday refused to allow a former Redflex executive to gain any personal profit from an ongoing lawsuit against the Australian red-light camera firm. Aaron M. Rosenberg filed a “qui tam” legal action against his former employer in 2014, but the city of Chicago, Illinois has since taken over the suit charging Redflex with lying in official documents. Neither Redflex nor Chicago wanted Rosenberg involved.
Monday, August 8, 2016
France: Speed Cameras Shot, Spraypainted
A speed camera in Vosges, France was shot several times by a rifle last week Sunday. According to Loractu, only the housing of the automated ticketing machine on the RD424 was damaged. On the same day, fluorescent yellow spraypaint was used to take out the speed camera on the RD813 in Port-Sainte-Marie, Sud Ouest reported. In Jura, Le Progres reports that a mobile speed camera on the RN57 near Besancon was covered in purple spraypaint on Monday. Two other fixed speed cameras were disabled along the same road in Doubs. According to Le Progres, pink spraypaint took out the speed camera on the RD906 in Bellevue-la-Montagne.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Federal Court Finds Stopping At Vegetable Stand Suspicious
Pulling into a vegetable stand to buy peppers is inherently suspicious, the Second District US Court of Appeals ruled last month. The unanimous three-judge panel upheld the legitimacy of the handcuffing and search of two brothers who raised suspicion because, after stopping at a location near a border checkpoint, they had a blanket covering something in the back of their vehicle.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
OPINION: The Insurance Industry Hit And Run
Dozens of news outlets around the country last week carried Joan Lowy’s Associated Press wire story bearing the banner headline “study finds red-light cameras save lives.” Lowy was reporting on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s (IIHS) latest report claiming that terminating a red-light camera program “costs lives.” Like so many of the insurance industry’s reports, this latest study on closer examination appears to be more public relations effort than scientific undertaking.