Opposition comes Together to Oppose Federal Bailout for Toll Operators: NYC Congestion Pricing now Iffy

By Shelia Dunn, NMA Communications Director

The Newspaper. Com reported this month that traffic is down two-thirds on US toll roads. This downturn in traffic indeed threatens the revenue model of the foreign companies that operate them.

So much so, that earlier in the month, the International Bridge, Tunnel, and Turnpike Authority asked the federal government for a $9.245 billion bailout due to the COVID-19 crisis. The IBTTA claims that if private toll companies do not receive these federal subsidies, funding would be jeopardized for state departments of transportation.

Fast forward to April 20th—The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates worked with many state departments of transportation, state trucking groups, and other groups such as the National Motorists Association in presenting a letter to Congressional leadership in response to the IBTTA request. Here is an excerpt:

“While we understand the concerns of toll road operators, it is clear that they are far better prepared to maintain normal operations at this time than transportation agencies are. Therefore, we request that you ensure that all federal aid to support the continuance of surface transportation capital and operations budgets is directed to transportation agencies, and not to toll facility operators.”

The National Motorists Association certainly concurs. In another area, we agree on concerns congestion pricing in New York City. A number of recent reports and editorials came out stating that congestion pricing will likely not happen next year on schedule. Drivers already pay when they cross bridges into Manhattan. Should they also be tolled for the privilege of driving in the city too? Click the headlines for more information:

Please remember that all monies coming from the future congestion fees will apply to the NYC subway—and does not directly support drivers as many types of tolling fees do. NYC’s congestion pricing will indeed be an ongoing story and one to watch out.

Here are five other top Tolling in America and Infrastructure Funding stories from the past weeks:

NMA also has resources that might help in local efforts to fight tolls and fight for proper funding of infrastructure.

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