Car of the Future

The latest edition of Car of the Future is here!  Read the latest articles on the future of car ownership and driving, connected & driverless cars, ridesharing, carsharing, electric cars, hybrid cars, and even flying cars.

If you read any great articles yourself about the Car of the Future, please send them to me at and perhaps I will link them in the next edition.

How will the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency affect the Car of the Future? ran a five-parter on Trump vs. Machines that might get you started on answering this question.

Part 1:  Is Trump’s Victory Good or Bad for the Auto Industry?
Part 2:  Ford vs. Trump: What Options does the Company Have?
Part 3:  Making America Great Again:  Will Car Buyers Pay the Price?
Part 4:  What Could Trump’s Victory mean for Electric Vehicles?
Part 5:  Does an Era of Trump versus Machines Start Now?

Future of Car Ownership and Driving

Connected Cars

Cybersecurity concerns continue to be at the forefront when it comes to reporting on connected cars.

Driverless Cars

A number of stories in the past two weeks on pedestrians and driverless cars.

Electric Cars

Solar and Kinetic Sidewalks


That is all of the most fascinating Car of the Future News for now.  If you have an interesting link on a Car of the Future topic, send it to me at

Be Safe Driving!

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