By Guest writer Donald W. Singleton, GA Attorney
Despite the fact that driving may seem like a mundane task, it is possible to be involved in a serious accident at any moment.
Approximately six million car accidents occurred last year, with 2.9 million injuries and 42,643 deaths, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Never underestimate the responsibility of driving.
Driving in Atlanta is dangerous enough without having to worry about car accidents. But with traffic congestion, road construction, and bad drivers, you never know when something will happen.
There are many reasons why driving in Atlanta is dangerous, but the most important reason is because of distracted drivers. Distracted drivers cause 85 percent of all car crashes. And Atlanta has the worst driver distraction rate in America.
Who Causes Most Car Accidents?
The vast majority of automobile crashes occur among teenagers and seniors. In fact, according to data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are about two million accidents involving teens every single year — more than half of those happen during daylight hours. And while it might seem like older people are driving more recklessly, they actually account for just one out of five traffic fatalities.
Teenagers, on the other hand, are responsible for about 40 percent of fatal accidents. They tend to be inexperienced drivers and often don’t know how to handle themselves behind the wheel.
What You Should do to Avoid Getting into a Car Accident
Distracted driving accounts for nearly two million crashes each year. In fact, it’s one of the leading causes of death among teens. Distracted drivers are responsible for about 4,500 deaths annually, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And there are many ways to distract yourself behind the wheel. Here are some things you should never do while driving:
- Texting and talking on the phone
- Eating, drinking, or smoking
- Looking down at the road
- Using navigation apps
- Playing games
- Calling someone else to talk
- Listening to music
- Reading or writing
- Wearing headphones
If you find yourself doing any of those things, pull over immediately and take care of whatever you’re doing.
Avoid Distractions, while Driving
A study says that in-car distractions are responsible for about two million accidents every year.
A recent study conducted by the NHTSA found that nearly one out of three drivers admit to being distracted behind the wheel — either by talking on a cell phone, eating food, reading a map, or sending text messages.
The research also showed that most people do it without realizing how dangerous it is.
According to NHTSA, there were over 3.3 million crashes involving distraction in 2016 alone. Of those, approximately 30 percent resulted in injury or death.
Never Drive while Tired
Driving while fatigued is one of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents. This tired feeling usually occurs because you lack sufficient rest prior to beginning the journey. In some cases, you may simply feel exhausted due to long hours spent behind the wheel.
Fatigue can cause many problems, including impaired judgment, and reaction times, slow reflexes, poor decision-making, and decreased ability to focus. These factors alone make fatigued drivers dangerous – especially when combined with alcohol consumption.
The NHTSA estimates that fatigue contributes to about 10 percent of fatal car crashes each year. Of those deaths, nearly half occur within three miles of home.
Check your Car’s Condition to make sure it’s in Good Working Order
Keeping your vehicle properly maintained is a big favor you can do for other motorists as well as yourself. In 2018, nearly three million people died in road accidents worldwide. Of those deaths, about half occurred in low-income countries. While it is true that many drivers do not maintain their vehicles, it is even worse when drivers are uninsured or underinsured.
If you live in Atlanta, avoid driving after midnight. This will reduce the chances of being involved in a car accident. Also, never drive distracted. And finally, always wear your seatbelt. These three things alone could save your life.
From Donald W. Singleton, an attorney with the law firm of Singleton Law Firm, LLC. Singleton Law Firm has assisted clients in Atlanta, Georgia with DUI and personal injury cases for over 30 years.