Washington HB 1793 – Establishing additional uses for automated traffic cameras
Bill Location:
Washington•Governors' Office
Bill Title:
Establishing additional uses for automated traffic cameras
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE March 31, 2020: The Governor signed the bill into law.
UPDATE March 12, 2020: After passage in House and Senate, delivered to Governor.
UPDATE March 9, 2020: Passed final vote in House – yeas, 56; nays, 40; absent, 0; excused, 2. No word yet on when bill will be forwarded to governor.
UPDATE March 3, 2020: Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
UPDATE February 3, 2020: Passed 3rd reading in Senate, 56 – 40, and has been referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
UPDATE January 13, 2020: The bill was reintroduced in the new legislative session and referred to the Senate Rules Committee.
UPDATE June 17, 2019: 2019 Legislative session is in recess until January 13, 2020. Odd-number year sessions carry over to even-number years.
UPDATE April 28, 2019: By resolution, returned to House Rules Committee for third reading after Senate majority “do pass” and Senate minority “do not pass.”
UPDATE April 17, 2019: Referred to Senate Transportation Committee.
UPDATE March 21, 2019: Referred to Rules 2 Consideration. Placed on second reading.
UPDATE March 1, 2019: Referred to Rules 2 Review. Rules Committee subsequently relieved of further consideration. Bill placed on second reading.
UPDATE February 22, 2019: Scheduled for executive session in House Transportation Committee on February 27, 2019.
HB 1793 was introduced on January 31, 2019 and referred to the House Transportation Committee which held a public hearing on February 18, 2019.
The bill adds a number of ticketing actions that can be performed by red-light cameras, including railroad crossing violations, stopping when traffic obstructed violations, stopping at intersection or crosswalk violations, transportation-only lane violations, stopping/standing/parking violations at locations restricted for emergency response vehicle entry or exit, and boarding/disembarking of public transportation vehicles (including public ferries).
HB 1793 greatly expands the automated policing scope of red-light cameras. The NMA is opposed to intersection ticket cameras for a number of reasons that are presented here.
The state Senate has a similar bill, SB 5789, which sits with the Senate Transportation Committee.
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