If you are an online shopper, odds are good that you have ventured on to the Amazon.com site to compare pricing, read customer reviews, and make purchases. During the last two years we know that NMA supporters have acquired over $280,000 worth of goods and services from Amazon that have directly benefitted our nonprofit NMA Foundation. With your help and Amazon’s charitable Smile program, we aim to double and perhaps even triple that amount over the next two years.
No, you don’t have to go on a spending spree. Just help us spread the word that by designating our Foundation as the charity/nonprofit of choice and making purchases through the AmazonSmile site, the buyer is directing Amazon to donate 0.5 percent of the purchase price to the NMA Foundation.
Let’s back up for a second. If you aren’t familiar with AmazonSmile, it is an Amazon website that has the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. Rather than typing “Amazon.com” into your browser, go to http://smile.amazon.com/ch/39-1951971. That’s all it takes to identify the NMA Foundation as the nonprofit that will benefit from your purchases. You can make the process even simpler by bookmarking that URL and naming it something like “AmazonSmile for NMAF.” Then just click on that link anytime you want to browse Amazon for that rug, power tool or, appropriate to the season, back-to-school supplies for your kids.
It should be emphasized that AmazonSmile is a mirror image of the Amazon site except for the donation designation. You pay the same prices, read the same reviews, have the same wishlists, and use the standard shopping cart. You can only tell the difference between sites by looking at the upper left of your screen where you’ll see the AmazonSmile logo and an additional line under the search box that identifies the organization you want donations from Amazon to be directed. It will look something like this:
If you are about to buy something on Amazon but don’t see “Supporting: National Motorists Association Foundation Inc.” at the top, remember to back out and then go to your AmazonSmile bookmark to benefit our nonprofit organization.
Share the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/39-1951971 with family and friends, particularly as we head into the heavy end-of-year shopping period. (No, we aren’t there yet but browsing for holiday specials will probably begin before we know it.) With each purchase from the Amazon site at that address, Amazon will send a donation to the National Motorists Association Foundation Inc. without affecting your purchase price one iota.
The NMA Foundation’s research projects, educational campaigns, and legal aid grants are made possible by donations. Let’s have Amazon help with some of the heavy lifting by using their AmazonSmile program. Spread the word, pass along the link, and ask everyone who shops online to help the NMA Foundation advance the cause of motorists’ rights!