Pennsylvania Alert: Legislative Activity to Be Aware of With General Assembly Back in Session

The Pennsylvania General Assembly will be convening again on May 23, and will be in session until the end of June. Before summer recess is always a perilous time for driving bills since they try to slide some in hoping you will not notice.

The most likely subject to see immediate action is another attempt to approve the use of municipal police radar. The bills in question are HB 606 and SB 419, and they contain other anti-driving components, like expanding the use of speed cameras, moving radar, and LIDAR. A well-funded special interest coalition has been promoting these bills recently and contacting state officials.

As noted, the desire to extend and expand speed camera programs to blanket the state has been mentioned by multiple special interest groups. While the current authorization does not expire until late in 2023, the Assembly could try to reauthorize and broaden the use of the cameras in the May-June session. There is no specific bill yet, other than the minor mention in HB 606 referenced above.

The NMA is also watching many local municipalities as well as the federal government for similar activity. A variety of legislation affecting drivers is being done or proposed, but it is questionable if some of it is permitted under current law.

Please contact your state representative, state senator, and Governor Wolf and say you are OPPOSED to municipal police radar and OPPOSED to speed cameras. Also add that you want all forms of automated traffic enforcement repealed. That includes red-light cameras, speed cameras, and stop-arm cameras. In addition to mentioning what we/you oppose, it is important to indicate SUPPORT for 85th percentile speeds, longer yellow lights, and the use of stop signs only where truly needed for safety purposes.

Also, there is a Pennsylvania email group that a member runs. Typically 1-3 emails weekly. If you are interested in joining and are A DUES PAYING MEMBER of the NMA, contact the NMA, and your info will be forwarded to the member running it.

The National Motorists Association appreciates your support in doing this in a preemptive manner. We will advise if anything comes up that requires your immediate attention. Many legislators will be seeking reelection, while many others are not running, so it is a fluid situation with regard to our issues. That is all the more reason making your opinions heard now is important.

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