NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #103

Car Rentals, PlatePass, and Electronic Tolling NMA Member Bob Morrow shared the following important information with us that he observed while recently renting a car. Even if you are one of the few people who analyze the fine print on contracts, k…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #102

The Pressure of Public Exposure Few opponents of photo enforcement would argue that Washington D.C. has few, if any, peers among major metropolitan areas when it comes to raking in traffic ticket revenue per capita. Before we hear howls of protest…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #101

Ethanol Mandate Under Fire By James Baxter, NMA President The NMA has railed against the ethanol mandate for years. I won’t repeat all the reasons for our opposition to this extremely wasteful and misguided federal policy. I’m raising this issue n…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #100

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is asking for public input by January 14, 2011 on compliance dates for several provisions in the 2009 version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Information on how to submit your res…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #99

Better Late Than Never The sentiment expressed in the title describes the following story out of Buffalo, New York, although in the world of clichés, the summarizing phrase could just as easily be, “Too Little Too Late.” The Kensington Expressway …

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Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

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