NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #108

One Editorial Deserves Another Member Arthur Morgan thought the NMA might be interested enough in the January 27, 2011 staff editorial of the Orlando Sentinel epaper to offer a response, so he sent us a link. After reading a few choice Sentinel st…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #107

There’s An App For That — But There Shouldn’t Be We reported a few newsletters ago (Issue #93) that the overwhelmed police department in Delhi, India is encouraging people to post alleged traffic violations to the department’s Facebook page. Now …

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #106

Reader Feedback On Car Rental Service Fees Several readers provided personal perspectives on the topic of the extra fees charged by rental car agencies (re NMA Email Newsletter #103) for certain options or services, fees that many drivers aren’t a…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #105

The People v. Gregory Diaz: Twisting The Fourth Amendment In a disturbing decision issued in this new year, the California Supreme Court ruled 5 to 2 that the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not apply to cell phones and stored infor…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #104

The Truth By Reason Senior Editor Radley Balko at Reason magazine (“free minds and free markets”) authored two excellent articles for the January 2011 issue. Both touch on key motorists’ rights topics. Mr. Balko’s “The War on Cameras” is the cover…

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