NMA E-Newsletter #213: Members Comment on Auto Shows and the State of the Industry

In last week’s newsletter (#212: Is the Thrill Really Gone?) two longtime NMA members reflected on the state of today’s car shows as well as on today’s automotive market in general. Playing off some of their more provocative comments we asked you …

NMA E-Newsletter #212: Is the Thrill Really Gone?

It’s car show season, and that prompted a few NMA members to share with us some of their car show experiences, past and present. We found their observations compelling and wanted to pass them on to you. From Casey Raskob, New York: I don’t know wh…

NMA E-Newsletter #211: The Hazards of Tired-Out Tires

When it comes to keeping tires up to spec, NMA members are second to none. They know the safety and performance benefits of maintaining proper tire inflation, not to mention routine tire inspection, rotation and balancing.So, we wanted to discuss …

NMA E-Newsletter #210: Some Myths Just Won’t Die

Every few months or so someone (usually a non-member) sends us an email that goes something like this: How can your organization support 65 mph speed limits or even higher? Don’t you know that there’s only so much oil in the ground and that the be…

NMA Newsletter #209: Stay Focused on the Basics when Representing Yourself

When it comes to fighting tickets on your own, NMA state activists can provide a wealth of insight and knowledge. Recently, some NMA members were sharing ideas via email on ticket-fighting strategies. The discussion turned to the finer points of l…

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