NMA E-Newsletter #333: Does Good Police Behavior Offset the Bad?

In last week’s newsletter NMA Vice President John Bowman described his encounter with an angry police officer as well as his subsequent thoughts on police/community relations. John’s piece prompted many passionate responses from members, and we wanted to share a few with you. From a New York Member: This question about why there isn’t more […]

NMA E-Newsletter #332: The Future of Police/Community Relations

By John Bowman, NMA Vice President I recently had the privilege of speaking at a regional meeting of state motorcycle riders associations. A few minutes into my presentation an audience member stood up and forcefully objected to what he thought were my unfair and ill-informed comments about the nature of traffic enforcement. I asked the […]

NMA E-Newsletter #331: The Tradeoffs of Driverless Cars

No development in the auto industry has attracted more attention lately than the prospect of driverless cars. And with good reason. Driverless car advocates promise many potential benefits including safer roads, less congestion, greater mobility and convenience, and lower insurance costs. As we pointed out in our summer 2013 Driving Freedoms cover story, driverless cars […]

NMA E-Newsletter #330: About ‘About Us’

Most websites, particularly those offering a product or service, have an About Us section. That is where curious online viewers can learn more about the website sponsor, albeit through a controlled narrative. For an advocacy organization like the NMA, About Us can serve multiple purposes. It can inform those who are thinking about becoming a […]

NMA E-Newsletter #329: We’ve Been Here Before–A Call for a Modern Day NMSL of 65 MPH

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) is, in its own words, a federation of 50 affiliated state trucking associations and industry-related conferences/councils. It claims to be the voice of the U.S. trucking industry and, apparently now, for all U.S. vehicular traffic. The ATA, long a proponent of speed limiters on all trucks, has recently raised the […]

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