Is Our Property Guilty until Proven Innocent? : NMA E-Newsletter #388

Law Enforcement now using ERADs, seizing cash without an arrest, a warrant and due process. Life as a motorist in America is never easy. Not only do motorists have to contend with red-light cameras with sometimes shortened yellow lights, we have to deal with automated speed cameras, speed traps, road blocks, wolf pack ticket blitzing, […]

Intexicated While Driving: NMA E-Newsletter #387

New York State has legislation called Evan’s Law that is winding its way through the system. It would allow law enforcement to use a textalyzer to determine if you have been on your phone while driving.  This means even hands free phone usage, texting, surfing the web, and engaging with various apps can raise flags.  […]

On Auto Pilot: NMA E-Newsletter #386

Humans like efficiency and we are always looking for ways to multitask so that we maximize our time to the highest efficiency.  Some of us are to the point where we want to take the human out of the equation entirely. When we were children, we dreamed of driving flying cars but probably never thought […]

Shenanigans Continue with Red-Light Cameras: NMA E-Newsletter #385

Red-light cameras are the biggest local boondoggle ever.  Lafayette, Louisiana was recently in the news because the city-parish council decided to extend their red-light camera program another year despite the fact that $12.4 million dollars had not been collected on over 211,000 photo enforced tickets since the program’s inception nine years ago. But the story […]

The March to Automation: Feedback on the Advent of Driverless Car Technology: NMA E-Newsletter #384

The response to our e-newsletter of two weeks ago (Zombie Drivers – Say What?: NMA E-Newsletter #382) has been considerable.  That overall interest in the topic of driverless cars is also reflected by the daily influx of related stories to the NMA newsfeeds that fuel the Driving News sections of our state pages. Before […]

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Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

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A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.