Pennsylvania Senate Bill 419 – Further Providing for Speed Timing Devices
Bill No.:
SB 419
Bill Location:
Pennsylvania•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
In Rules of the Road in General, Further Providing for Speed Timing Devices
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
Senate Bill 419 would allow local police agencies to use radar and LIDAR for speed enforcement. Currently, only the Pennsylvania State Police are authorized to use these methods. SB 419 has already passed the Senate and is under consideration in the House Transportation Committee. Legislators have introduced similar measures in many prior legislative sessions, and all have failed. However, SB 419 appears to be gaining momentum and may have a chance at passing.
The NMA opposes this measure. As usual, this bill does not require that 85th percentile speed limits be posted, or that only egregious violators be cited. It is a money-grab plain and simple.
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