Oklahoma Senate Bill 441 – Prohibiting Contracting for Use of Photo Monitoring Devices
Bill No.:
SB 441
Bill Location:
Oklahoma•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
Motor Vehicles; Prohibiting Contracting for Use of Photo Monitoring Devices
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE June 6, 2021: Bill passed the Senate but died in the House as legislative session adjourned.
Senate Bill 441 would create a new law that would prohibit the use of any third-party photo traffic enforcement throughout Oklahoma. Specifically, this bill states that no state agency, county, municipality or political subdivision may contract with any private corporation to provide for the use of any photo monitoring device to detect any traffic control signal violation.
The bill has already passed the Senate as well as the House Public Safety Committee.
The NMA fully supports SB 441 for the following reasons:
- Ticket cameras do not improve safety.
- There is no certifiable witness to the alleged violation.
- Ticket recipients are not adequately notified.
- The driver of the vehicle is not positively identified.
- Cameras do not prevent most intersection accidents.
- There are better safety alternatives to cameras.
Check here and here to learn more about issues related to photo enforcement.
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