Ohio House Bill 206 – Permit Township Police Enforce Certain Offenses on Interstate

Bill No.:
HB 206
Bill Location:
Bill Title:

Permit Township Police Enforce Certain Offenses on Interstate

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE 6/30/22: Legislation becomes active Sept. 23, 2022

UPDATE 6-1-22: Bill passed in Senate

House Bill 206 would allow local police in certain municipalities to patrol interstate highways running through their jurisdictions. Specifically, this measure would “permit a township police officer who serves a population between 5,000 and 50,000 to enforce specified traffic offenses on interstate highways within the township if authorized by that township’s board of trustees.” HB 206 has already passed the House and is under consideration in the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee.

The NMA opposes this measure since it would encourage speed traps and other types of “policing for profit.” Small towns in Ohio have a long, sordid history of abusive, unaccountable speed enforcement, and there’s every reason to believe this measure would encourage more of the same.


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