Assembly Bill 1187 – Prohibits State Agencies from Imposing or Suggesting any Enforcement Quotas or from Using Quotas as a Reward to Evaluation Method
Bill No.:
AO 1187
Bill Location:
New York•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
Prohibits state Agencies from Imposing or Suggesting any Enforcement Quotas or from Using Quotas as a Reward to Evaluation Method
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
Assembly Bill 1187 would outlaw state agencies from imposing or suggesting any enforcement quotas. Agencies would be forbidden from using ticketing numbers as the primary criteria to evaluate officers. In addition, ticketing numbers could not be used to reward performance or to determine promotion. It is under consideration in the Assembly Governmental Operations Committee.
The NMA supports this measure. Law enforcement officers should never be pressured to issue tickets in order to meet a performance-based quota. To do so results in unnecessary, and often unjustified, ticketing which is unfair to motorists and breeds distrust between the community and police.
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