On February 6, 2015, NMA President Gary Biller spoke to approximately 100 members of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party (LVTP) at their monthly meeting in the Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton area of eastern Pennsylvania. The presentation is part of an outreach program to mobilize more people, needed now more than ever, to fight for drivers’ rights.
While the NMA is not affiliated with any political party or movement, we do seek out receptive audiences who are concerned about the erosion of our civil liberties as motorists, let alone as citizens. We hope from among their ranks will come a new generation of NMA supporters, adding their voices to our call for action against invasive surveillance/tracking schemes, the misappropriation of road-user money intended to maintain quality roads, and the loss of basic constitutional rights in interactions with law enforcement and the justice system.
The LVTP is such a group, providing the added bonus of being situated within a hundred miles of a handful of states—New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware—that like Pennsylvania provide NMA advocates with plenty of opportunities to promote reform.
Here is a video of Gary’s talk that recent February evening.
If you know of a group in your area that may be interested in hearing the NMA’s call for reform of motorists’ civil liberties, let us know. We aren’t evangelists, but we do want to spread the word.
Postscript: The LVTP engagement also made possible a same-weekend opportunity to bring together a few dozen NMA members from as far away as Staten Island, NY, Wilmington, DE, and many points in-between. Allentown’s America On Wheels museum provided a fitting venue for the meeting which focused on issues important to motorists in the region.