Together we are about to find out.
The goals of the pending NMA Community Support Program (CSP) are twofold: to fund local issues-based advocacy projects that enhance motorists’ rights and freedoms and to help us become self-promoters extraordinaire.
Supporting members and donors to the legislative campaign this year will receive a letter from us shortly after Labor Day explaining the hows and whys of the CSP. This newsletter is about the second goal, the recognition part of the plan.
The Community Support Program is the vehicle to inform the public of who the NMA is and what we stand for. If we are to expand our membership and use that growth to gain greater traction on our positions, we must put the National Motorists Association at the forefront of every story and press release involving the community projects we will be sponsoring.
That is why, with the advent of the Community Support Program, we feel it is time to modernize the NMA logo, using the new design to proudly proclaim our brand.
The current logo has served the organization well for many years. The new symbol modernizes the freedom-of-the-road/eagle/liberty/red-white-and-blue theme and does one more important thing: it spells out the full name of our organization so that there is no doubt as to the identity of who is really fighting for motorists’ rights.
The old and the new:
That September letter to members and donors will include a
4 inch x 4 inch decal of the new NMA logo so that each of you can help us create a stronger recognition of the NMA brand.
Also available for member use at group meetings like Sunday car shows or gatherings of citizens concerned about civil liberties is one of our new two foot by four foot vinyl banners:
Just give us a couple of weeks notice and we’ll have one of these attractive banners delivered for use at your event. Each includes corner grommets to allow for easy mounting on a wall or for draping on a table.
We have one more promotional offer that will help each of you become NMA ambassadors. Available now are special 100% combed cotton polo shirts (in four distinct colors) with the new NMA logo embroidered prominently above the left breast. The mens’ shirt colors are illustrated by the embroidered patches shown below. Clockwise from upper left: white, heather, sky blue, and sand.
Womens’ shirts with the same embroidered logo are available in white, heather, khaki, and pink.
You can now order these shirts in mens’ and womens’ sizes Small through XXL via order forms we have posted online:
Both order forms have full descriptions of the shirts that are available. Proceeds from the sales of these shirts will go toward funding Community Support Programs.
Fill out your own order form and include gift shirts for family and friends. Download the forms and distribute them freely. Let’s take a page out of the Girl Scouts playbook and market the NMA polo shirts by reaching out to the general public and using good old persistence. (I’ll bet you thought we were going to say cuteness. Well that too.)
The shirt sales will enhance the CSP funding and make exponentially more people aware of the National Motorists Association and what we stand for. That is what is in our name.