New Jersey Assembly Bill 1376 – Parking Tickets-Eliminates Driver’s License Suspension for Failure to Pay

Bill No.:
AB 1376
Bill Location:
New JerseySenate
Bill Title:

New Jersey Assembly Bill 1376 - Parking Tickets-Eliminates Driver's License Suspension for Failure to Pay

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NMA Recommendation:

Assembly Bill 1376 would eliminate license suspensions as punishment for drivers who have more than five outstanding parking tickets or who have failed to show up in court because of unpaid tickets five times. Instead, the bill would allow suspension of vehicle registration until the fines are paid. Learn more about this bill here. It has already passed the Assembly and is pending in the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.

The NMA supports this bill since license suspensions are intended to penalize drivers for bad driving behavior. Instead, most suspensions are for non-driving infractions (like parking tickets). This can lead to financial hardship due to job loss or difficulty in finding employment, which in turn makes it more difficult to pay compounding fines and fees.


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