New Hampshire House Bill 1024 – Relative to Local Speed Limits in Business or Urban Residence Districts

Bill No.:
HB 1024
Bill Location:
New HampshireAssembly / House
Bill Title:

Relative to Local Speed Limits in Business or Urban Residence Districts

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE February 10, 2022: Bill died in committee.

The House Transportation Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 1024 on January 25, 2022, at 10:30 am in the Legislative Office Building 201-203. If passed, HB 1024 would allow municipalities to lower speed limits in business and residential districts from 25 mph to 10 mph.

The NMA is opposed to this bill since arbitrarily lowering speed limits does not improve road safety and only serves to increase unwarranted traffic citations. In addition, such a drastic reduction in speed limits is really intended to advance the “anti-car” agenda by making driving as onerous as possible. Learn more about how speed limits should be set here.

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