Michigan House Bill 5041 – Transportation; school vehicles; school bus stop-arm cameras; . . . provide penalties for violations

Bill No.:
HB 5041
Bill Location:
MichiganAssembly / House
Bill Title:

Transportation; school vehicles; school bus stop-arm cameras; allow, and provide penalties for violations

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE January 4, 2021: Bill died in committee

House Bill 5041 was introduced to the Michigan State House on October 8, 2019. It has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

The bill increases the penalties for passing a school bus with flashing red lights to one or more of the following: a) up to 93 days in jail, b) a fine of up to $500, and c) up to 100 hours of community service at a school. The particular cause for our opposition is the introduction of school bus stop-arm cameras as an enforcement device in a state that currently does not allow automated enforcement. The NMA’s objections to school bus cameras, especially in light of irrefutable data that show how infrequent fatalities are caused by passing vehicles and how much more prevalent the school bus itself is involved in school children injuries, can be found here.

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