Maryland HB 780 – Authorizing Baltimore City to establish the maximum speed limit on a highway under its jurisdiction without performing an engineering and traffic study

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Authorizing Baltimore City to establish the maximum speed limit on a highway under its jurisdiction without performing an engineering and traffic study

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UPDATE May 1, 2019: Legislative session ended for 2019 without action taken on bill.

UPDATE March 8, 2019: The Committee scheduled a March 14 hearing.

HB 780 was introduced on February 8, 2019 and assigned to the House Environment & Transportation Committee. A hearing date has not been set.

The title of the bill says it all. HB 780 would allow Baltimore to ignore long-established traffic engineering principles of establishing proper, safe speed limits by considering the results of an engineering and traffic study. Enactment would mean that the city could set whatever arbitrary speed limits it deems appropriate. This would seem to be a recipe designed to maximize ticket revenue.


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