Indiana House Bill 1208 – Elimination of lower speed limit for trucks
Bill No.:
HB 1208
Bill Location:
Indiana•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
Elimination of lower speed limit for trucks. Provides that the maximum speed limit for a vehicle having a declared gross weight greater than 26,000 pounds operated on a highway that is: (1) on the national system of interstate and defense highways located outside an urbanized area with a population of at least 50,000; or (2) the responsibility of the Indiana finance authority; is 70 miles per hour. (Current law provides that the maximum speed limit for those vehicles (other than a bus) is 65 miles per hour.)
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE January 4, 2021: Bill died in committee
House Bill 1208 was introduced January 13, 2020. It has been referred to the House Roads and Transportation Committee, which has not yet scheduled the bill for a public hearing.
The NMA supports HB 1208 because, if enacted, it would eliminate the split speed limit in the state between heavy trucks and lighter vehicles. This joint press release by NMA and Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association spells out the negative safety issues related to split limits, i.e., forcing vehicles to travel at different speeds on multi-lane highways.
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