Immediate Attention: PA Special Session Begins Monday, September 12, 2022

Dear PA NMA Supporters,

The end of the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s session is rapidly approaching. Half of the assembly comes back on September 12, 2022, with the other half a week later.

The National Motorists Association has learned of a ramped-up effort to lobby the assembly to enact anti-driving laws in the waning days of the session.

There are some existing bills, but also talk of potential new bills.

  • Municipal police radar
  • An extended speed camera program may also be expanded to more areas of the state, for more permitted uses, and to make the existing programs more unfriendly.

It is important to contact your PA state representativePA state senator, and the Governor now. You will not have time to react later. Do not get caught up in bill numbers, as they will likely change anyway due to possible shenanigans.

Don’t forget to remind your reps when you contact them that this is an election year, and you are paying attention to any anti-driving laws they may attempt to sneak in at the last second, with little fanfare.

Tell them you oppose municipal police radar and speed cameras. Please explain why you want ALL forms of automated traffic enforcement repealed, which includes other devices like red-light cameras and stop-arm cameras. Ask for no anti-driving bills that will allow for more ticketing of drivers.

Another potential topic: Some cities are also thinking about using automated enforcement to ticket people for driving, or driving-related offenses on their own. This may or may not be legal, but the assembly also must work to stress that PA has a preemption law that requires the state must enact all driving measures, and only if granted authority, can cities do things.

These are just the main topics, and it could be much worse.

The Pennsylvania chapter still maintains an active email discussion group if you are interested in becoming more active. One-to-three messages are sent most weeks. Open to dues-paying members and run by a longtime member. Contact the NMA if interested in joining. This group will enable you to maximize your effectiveness in regards to helping drivers in the state.

The NMA has been very successful in recent years due to the involvement of average members who decided to stand up and make a difference.

Yes, ONE person can matter, and it has been shown many times.

Thank you for your support of Pennsylvania motorists!

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