Immediate Attention: Call/Email your Indiana House Reps to Oppose Senate Bill 179–Speed Cam Bill

Dear Indiana Members,

At the end of January, the Indiana Senate passed SB179, and then sent the bill to the House. On Monday, House leadership assigned the bill to the Roads and Transportation Committee and was put on today’s Committee agenda at the last minute. SB179 appears to be on the fast track. Here is the main point of SB179:

“Automated traffic control system pilot program. Provides that the Indiana department of transportation (department) may establish the automated traffic control system pilot program (program) for the purpose of enforcing work zone speed limits. Provides that, if the department establishes the program, the department shall work with the state police department to enforce the program. Provides that the department and the state police department may enter into an agreement to implement the program.”

Contact your state house representative today to ask them to oppose this speed camera bill. Once you let automated traffic enforcement become reality (even if it is a pilot program), it is very difficult to get rid of them.

If you want to know more about speed cameras, check out the NMA’s Speed Cameras Issue Page.

Thank you for your support of motorists’ rights in Indiana.

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