Iowa Senate Bill 2352 – A Bill for an Act Relating to the Use and Calibration of Automated or Remote Systems for Traffic Law Enforcement

Bill No.:
SB 2352
Bill Location:
Bill Title:

A Bill for an Act Relating to the Use and Calibration of Automated or Remote Systems for Traffic Law Enforcement

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE 6/30/22: Bill died in committee

Senate Bill 2352 would limit the impact of speed camera ticketing on drivers throughout Iowa. Specifically, the bill would only permit issuance of speed camera citations for violations of 20 mph or more. In addition, the bill would void citations issued by cameras that have not been calibrated/inspected in three-month intervals. It is pending in the Senate Transportation Committee.

While the NMA is opposed to speed cameras, this bill represents an attempt to mitigate the negative impact of ticket cameras as well as to bring some transparency/oversight to photo-based traffic enforcement. Learn more about the NMA’s objections to speed cameras here.

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