Florida Senate Bill 1090 – Prohibiting express lanes and tolls on a specified state road
Bill No.:
S 1090
Bill Location:
Bill Title:
Prohibiting express lanes and tolls on a specified state road; requiring the Department of Transportation to remove all existing express lanes and the imposition of tolls, etc.
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE March 14, 2020: Died in Appropriations Committee.
UPDATE February 14, 2020: Now in main Senate Appropriations Committee.
UPDATE January 28, 2020: Favorable by Infrastructure Committee. Referred to Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development.
UPDATE December 13, 2019: Referred to Senate Infrastructure and Security Committee, and Appropriations.
Senate Bill 1090 was introduced by Sen. Manny Diaz on December 2, 2019. It has been referred to the Senate Infrastructure and Security Committee.
S 1090 would, as made clear by its title, prohibit the state from establishing express lanes and tolling. In fact, if passed as written, the bill would require Florida to remove existing express lanes and tolling. The NMA supports the Diaz bill because it is opposed to tolling, and because all motorists are required to pay taxes to build the highway system, and therefore should be entitled to the full use of that system. HOV express lanes depend on congestion for their appeal and thereby serve as a disincentive to reduce congestion for non-HOV lane users. HOV lanes use valuable highway corridor space that could be used to serve the entire population using that given highway, not just those who carpool or ride buses.
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