Florida House Bill 189 – Photographic Enforcement of School Zone Speed Limits

Bill No.:
HO 189
Bill Location:
FloridaAssembly / House
Bill Title:

Photographic Enforcement of School Zone Speed Limits

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE March 15, 2022: Bill died in committee.

House Bill 189 is pending in the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Subcommittee Committee. If enacted, the measure would create a speed camera program in school zones, which would inevitably lead to widespread speed camera use throughout the state.

The NMA is opposed to automated traffic enforcement, including speed cameras, for a number of reasons including:

  • Photo radar can generate false readings
  • This type of automated enforcement emphasizes ticket volume
  • There is no certifiable witness to the alleged violation
  • The driver of the vehicle is not positively identified by the camera which means, by default, the owner of the vehicle receives the ticket whether or not he/she was the driver at the time of the alleged violation
  • Speed cameras have not been shown to improve traffic safety

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