You have probably seen those signs on large trucks that ask, “How is my Driving?” The National Motorists Association’s Driving Courtesy Month 2022 is like that–a way to think about your own driving in, we hope, a fun, and straightforward way.
We can all use a tune-up every once in a while. This year, the National Office produced 15 animations that we hope will help remind motorists everywhere about the different aspects of driving courtesy. Here’s one that promotes a driving principle that all NMA members are quite familiar with.
To check out all 15 animations, go to
The Driver Courtesy Month 2022 Initiative is a project of the NMA’s Driver Education Committee. Communications Director Shelia Dunn did the voiceovers, and freelance animator John Weeden assisted with creating the videos.
If you know a member of the media or your local newspaper, radio, or TV station has an online presence, feel free to send this NMA E-Newsletter to them and ask that they share these animated driver courtesy tips with their audiences during Driver Courtesy Month in September. If the media outlet produces a report, please let us know by sending a link to The NMA media kit for this promotion can be found here.
We appreciate your support of the National Motorists Association and Driver Courtesy Month 2022.