California Assembly Bill 773 – Street Closures and Designations
Bill No.:
AB 773
Bill Location:
California•Governors' Office
Bill Title:
Street Closures and Designations
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE October 12, 2021: AB 773 was signed into law on October 6, 2021.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, cities throughout California implemented so-called “Slow Streets” programs. Through a combination of lowered speed limits, traffic diversion and outright road closures, municipalities sought to turn streets into open spaces for non-motorized road users. Now, a bill from Assembly member Adrin Nazarian would make those changes permanent.
Under AB 773, cities would be able to lower speed limits and close local streets much more easily. While the bill would allow these programs to be made permanent, cities would still need to formally identify which projects are appropriate and the types of interventions that would need to be added.
The NMA opposes AB 773. It’s just another example of “command and control” traffic enforcement designed to make driving as inconvenient as possible–all under the guise of equity and sustainability.
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