154 Alerts From the SPEED LIMIT Tag

NMA E-Newsletter #250: The Ghosts of 1973

The year was 1973. British rockers Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Who were battling it out on the top of the charts. That year also marked the beginning of the OPEC oil embargo, and this past October 17th signified the 40th anniversary of that seminal event. Two months after the embargo took effect, Congress […]

NMA E-Newsletter #249: Florida Member Shares Success Story

Drivers in south Florida owe a debt of gratitude to Florida NMA member Norman Wartman, former vice chairman and current board member of the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, and longtime advocate for smart transportation policy. Norman’s recent letter to the NMA demonstrates how perseverance, patience and creative thinking can truly make a difference for the hundreds […]

NMA E-Newsletter #248: Seeing Yellow before Red

By Gary Biller, NMA President At the heart of the red-light camera debate is the signal timing for the yellow light. Do the cameras improve intersection safety by modifying driver behavior through punishment or are they a financial windfall for local and state governments and the for-profit camera companies? The answer depends largely on whether […]

NMA E-Newsletter #244: A Driving Tour of Washington, DC, NMA Style

(Editor’s Note: Washington, DC has a reputation for being extremely hostile to drivers. Longtime NMA New York Activist Casey Raskob recently took a driving trip to the Washington, DC area and confirmed it with this report.) (Photo courtesy of DC photographer Marty Katz http://washingtonphotographer.com) I’ve driven lots of places, but this last weekend was crazy. I […]

NMA E-Newsletter #238: An Easy Way to Speak Up

Summer is a great time to set pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and write a letter to your local newspaper or to an elected official. Many NMA members have been doing just that so we thought we would share a few examples to inspire you. Executive Director of the NMA Foundation Board Jim […]

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