6 Alerts From the speed traps Tag

Speed Trap Karma Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #698

Reason.com recently published a list of eleven U.S. towns where their police forces were either disbanded or their autonomy as a governmental entity was dissolved because of an addiction to, and dependence on, ticket revenue. We thought it would be informative to present excerpts from Reason’s article for those cities along with select driver-sourced comments […]

Speed Trap Karma Part 1: NMA E-Newsletter #697

Reason.com recently published a list of eleven U.S. towns where their police forces were either disbanded or their autonomy as a governmental entity was dissolved because of an addiction to, and dependence on, ticket revenue. We thought it would be informative to present excerpts from Reason’s article for those cities along with select driver-sourced comments […]

‘Variable Speed Limits’ allow Police to Trap Motorists on the Fly: NMA E-Newsletter #454

From Joe Cadillic, writer of the massprivatel blog A nightmare driving scenario, is slowly making its way across the country as states everywhere begin installing ‘Variable Speed Limits’ (VSL) which allows law enforcement to change speed limits on a whim. Imagine you are cruising down the highway, obeying the posted speed limit of 75 MPH only […]

Cashless Tolling – A Convenience or a Hassle?: NMA E-Newsletter #452

Last October the Massachusetts Turnpike switched to all-electronic tolling (AET). Now that Bay State commuters are several months into traveling a cashless turnpike, we asked members how that is working out. More states will undoubtedly be transitioning to AET in the coming years so it is a topic of interest for most NMA members. There […]

Erosion of the Uniform Traffic Code Continues: NMA E-Newsletter #421

By James C. Walker, NMA Life Member and Executive Director of the NMA Foundation  Our news feed of January 24th had this article: Blue police lines on local roads could be safety risk. Several New Jersey communities painted blue lines in between double yellow lines on the roads to honor the police. This is a […]

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