28 Alerts From the SHORT YELLOW LIGHT Tag

Transparency Worth Fighting For: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #473

To quote from the NMA Guide to the Freedom of Information Act and State/Municipal Public Records Requests (yes, we do need to work on that title): Constructive reform of government requires a thorough understanding of an issue.  Used effectively, the records request helps provide transparency of policy and related activity that are essential ingredients to […]

Erosion of the Uniform Traffic Code Continues: NMA E-Newsletter #421

By James C. Walker, NMA Life Member and Executive Director of the NMA Foundation  Our news feed of January 24th had this article: Blue police lines on local roads could be safety risk. Several New Jersey communities painted blue lines in between double yellow lines on the roads to honor the police. This is a […]

The Economic Consequences of Photo Enforcement: NMA E-Newsletter #374

Editor’s Note: News that red-light cameras in Jacksonville, Florida, delivered almost $368,000 in profits prompted this recent email exchange between NMA Foundation Executive Director Jim Walker and a city official. Jim’s economic argument against ticket cameras is instructive but clearly fell on deaf ears. His follow-up email is equally powerful. Note the official response to […]

Disarming Your Opponent with Reason and Facts: NMA E-Newsletter #360

Editor’s Note: The NMA has a long tradition of calling out the AAA for its often contradictory or hypocritical stances on important motorists’ issues such as improperly set speed limits and the use of red-light cameras. NMA Foundation Executive Director Jim Walker has often led the charge as he did recently with this letter to […]

IIHS Shills for Camera Industry: NMA E-Newsletter #347

In its 30-page report issued last week about the Montgomery County, Maryland, speed camera program, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) does its best to revive a reeling camera industry. The use of red-light cameras has been declining for a couple of years now in no small part due to corrupt actions by one […]

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