56 Alerts From the NEW YORK Tag

NMA E-Newsletter #155: The Numbers Tell The Story… Again

By John Bowman, NMA Communications Director In last week’s E-newsletter (#154, Will We Never Learn?), we dug into the numbers behind the NTSB’s proposed ban on the use of all portable electronic devices while driving. Let’s try the same approach w…

NMA E-Newsletter #152: Gotcha! When Politicians Do Good

At the NMA we spend a lot of time documenting the misinformation, demagoguery and outright hypocrisy that pervade the pronouncements of public officials when it comes to red-light cameras. So when we catch politicians doing right by their constitu…

NMA E-Newsletter #133: Adaptive Signal Control, a Camera System that Actually Helps?

For better or for worse, cameras are all over our streets and highways. Some systems, such as red-light cameras, are used simply to scrutinize drivers for questionable “violations” in order to generate revenue with a minimum of inconvenience to th…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #99

Better Late Than Never The sentiment expressed in the title describes the following story out of Buffalo, New York, although in the world of clichés, the summarizing phrase could just as easily be, “Too Little Too Late.” The Kensington Expressway …

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #21

Periodically we receive questions regarding what kinds of information a person is required to give a police officer upon demand. The review and discussion by NMA member Ted Levitt (included below) is a general overview of the topic, in particular …

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