4 Alerts From the ETHANOL Tag

Gut-Check Time: NMA Newsletter #335

For many motorists, it is tough to remember what driving an automobile with pure gasoline in the tank was like. E10—gasoline cut with 10 percent ethanol—has been commonplace for well over a dozen years, and E15 is also available for light-duty vehicles of 2001 and later vintage. Ethanol for fuel use reached about 13 billion […]

NMA E-Newsletter #260: Five Years and Counting

260 is an impressive number if we say so ourselves. It represents five full years of weekly e-newsletters issued by the NMA—260 consecutive weeks without ever missing a publication date. From the first issue that kicked things off on January 13, 2009, we have strived to inform, amuse, anger and generally incite reactions from our […]

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #101

Ethanol Mandate Under Fire By James Baxter, NMA President The NMA has railed against the ethanol mandate for years. I won’t repeat all the reasons for our opposition to this extremely wasteful and misguided federal policy. I’m raising this issue n…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #84

Ethanol Legislation Back In Congress The NMA has long criticized the federal ethanol mandate as a huge public policy farce. We weren’t alone, but thoroughly ignored. We argued that ethanol does not make the air cleaner. Ethanol will not reduce our…

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