34 Alerts From the DUE PROCESS Tag

NMA E-Newsletter #219: Resistance is Not Futile

Profiteers from photo tickets, whether camera companies like ATS or Redflex, or the communities who plan on red-light and speed camera ticket revenue to prop up their budget deficits, would have you believe otherwise. They are waging an ongoing (a…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #76

Photo Ticket Games Issue #71 of this newsletter series, entitled “Police Protected,” highlighted a story of several Los Angeles area officers who had piled up dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of unpaid parking tickets without retribution. This is a…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #27

Justice, Arizona Style Last week we discussed the erosion of due process in Massachusetts, where defendants now have to pay a fee for the “privilege” of going to traffic court. Just to show that the East Coast doesn’t have a monopoly when it comes…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #21

Periodically we receive questions regarding what kinds of information a person is required to give a police officer upon demand. The review and discussion by NMA member Ted Levitt (included below) is a general overview of the topic, in particular …

Traffic Attorney, DUI Attorney, and Personal Injury Attorney Testimonials

Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.