Roundup: December 5, 2012

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Louisiana Supreme Court Upholds Seizure of Motorist Cash
Drivers in Louisiana unable to document the source of every dollar they carry could find their money seized by police. The state Supreme Court yesterday ruled officers were right to grab $144,320 from motorist Tina Beers because, in the high court’s opinion, she was unable to come up with a credible explanation of where the funds came from.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Virginia: Engineer Challenges Short Yellow, Right Turn Trap
A traffic engineer with the National Motorists Association is taking on what he calls a dangerous intersection in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Engineer J.J. Bahen Jr. began investigating one particular location in response to an NMA member who raised questions about a citation sent to her in the mail by Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia.

Monday, December 03, 2012
California Court of Appeal Shoots Down Traffic Camera Company
The second highest court in California on Thursday issued an order summarily denying a traffic camera company’s attempt to overturn election results from last month. American Traffic Solutions (ATS) was upset when 15,682 voters approved Measure N, requiring city officials to remove red-light cameras once it is certified in the next two weeks.

Sunday, December 02, 2012
Maryland, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Burned
In Montgomery Village, Maryland, vigilantes spraypainted a pair of speed cameras this weekend. The devices on Montgomery Village Avenue had their lenses blocked with blue paint.

Friday, November 30, 2012
Washington: Voter Initiative Would Protect Red Light Camera Bans
Photo enforcement firms might have thought they won in Washington when the state’s highest court ruled voters had no right to vote on whether red-light cameras or speed cameras could be used in their community. In the 5-4 decision handed down in March, the majority insisted the legislature only authorized city councils to make such decisions, not members of the electorate. Voters could overturn that decision next year.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Legislative Auditor Faults Maryland Speed Camera Program
Critics of the speed camera program in Maryland received a significant boost this week as an official investigation has documented their long-standing concerns. The General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Audits was asked to look at the books at the State Highway Administration (SHA), and problems with the state’s highway “work zone” speed cameras immediately stood out.

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