The National Motorists Association presents Driver Courtesy Month 2022 with a presentation of 15 animations developed by the NMA’s Driver Education Committee and freelance animator John Weeden.
Each of the five Fridays in September on the Driving in America Blog, we are presenting three of the animations. If you would like to see them all at once, click here.
Check out the next three animations below:
Stay out of Blind Spots
Whether on the street or the highway, make sure you don’t drive in another motorist’s blind spot, which may vary depending on the size of the vehicle.
Don’t Block Driveways
When moving along in stop-and-go traffic, make sure you don’t block a driveway. This kind of situational awareness is always courteous.
No Rubbernecking!
If there’s an accident or some other trouble at the side of the road, don’t rubberneck to see what’s going on–it’s just one of those distractions you don’t need when all your focus should be on the road ahead.
We encourage you to practice driver courtesy every time you drive not just in the month of September. Courtesy driving is safer driving!
Thank you for your support of Driver Courtesy Month 2022 and of the National Motorists Association!