Maryland House Bill 222 – Vehicle Laws – Driving in Right-Hand Lanes – Interstate Highways in Rural Areas

Bill No.:
HB 222
Bill Location:
Bill Title:

Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE 5-29-22: Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution – Chapter 565

House Bill 222 has already passed the House and the Senate. The bill is a Lane Courtesy measure that would require slower traffic to drive in the right lane of rural interstates. However, the conditions under which this would be required are left to the discretion of the driver. The requirement would be published in the state’s driver education curriculum, and appropriate signage would be placed along interstates throughout the state.

The NMA encourages Lane/Driver Courtesy measures including the educational components associated with them. Moving over for faster traffic is one of the simplest ways to smooth traffic flow and increase highway safety.

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