Washington Senate Bill 5687 – Addressing Certain Traffic Safety Improvements
Bill No.:
SB 5687
Bill Location:
Washington•Governors' Office
Bill Title:
Addressing Certain Traffic Safety Improvements
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE April 7, 2022: This bill was signed into law on March 30, 2022.
If passed Senate Bill 5687 would allow local authorities to lower speed limits under their jurisdiction without conducting appropriate speed studies. In addition this measure would allow state authorities to lower speed limits on nonarterial highways to 20 mph without conducting speed studies. It has passed both the House and the Senate and has been sent to the governor’s office.
The NMA opposes this bill since lowering speed limits without justification has nothing to do with safety and only serves to target responsible motorists for additional citations. Learn more about how speed limits should be set here.
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