Florida House Bill 647 – Driving in the Furthermost Left-hand Lane of a Roadway

Bill No.:
HO 647
Bill Location:
FloridaAssembly / House
Bill Title:

Driving in the Furthermost Left-hand Lane of a Roadway

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE March 15, 2022: Bill died in committee.

House Bill 647 has been introduced into the House Tourism, Infrastructure and Energy Subcommittee Committee. If enacted, the bill would prohibit drivers from continuously driving in the left hand lane of a highway with posted of speed of 65 mph or more “except when overtaking and passing another vehicle, preparing to exit the road, street or highway, or when otherwise directed by an official traffic control device.”

The NMA supports this measure since enforcing Lane Courtesy leads to smoother, more efficient traffic flow, reduces accidents and makes the roads safer. Learn more about Lane Courtesy here.


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