North Carolina Senate Bill 490 – License to Work
Bill No.:
SB 490
Bill Location:
North Carolina•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
License to Work
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
Senate Bill 490 is designed to help drivers who have lost their drivers licenses and face mounting economic hardships over multiple unpaid fines. The bill would make it easier for drivers to restore their licenses. This would allow them to legally drive to work, earn income, pay for insurance and pay off their fines through court-ordered plans. The bill has already passed the Senate and is under consideration in the House Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations. Learn more about this bill here.
The NMA supports SB 490. Aggressive traffic enforcement often hits low-income drivers the hardest, making it difficult for them to pay mounting fines which leads to license revocation. This in turn makes it harder to work, which creates further economic hardship.
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