New Hampshire House Bill 628 – Maximum Vehicle Speed Limitations
Bill No.:
HB 628
Bill Location:
New Hampshire•Assembly / House
Bill Title:
Relative to Maximum Vehicle Speed Limitations
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE July 20, 2021: Died in committee.
The New Hampshire House Transportation Committee is currently considering HB 628, which would raise maximum speed limits on certain roadways. Specifically, the measure would raise the speed limit from 65 mph to 70 mph on certain sections of the New Hampshire Turnpike. It would also raise the speed limits on certain portions of I-93 from 70 mph to 75 mph.
The NMA supports HB 628 since raising limits typically better matches the speeds at which free-flowing traffic naturally travels. This in turn results in fewer vehicle accidents and safer roads. Look here for more information on the proper setting of speed limits.
This bill has already received two public hearings but is being “retained in committee” for further review and consideration.
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