Florida Senate Bill 1130 – Dissolving the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority
Bill No.:
SB 1130
Bill Location:
Bill Title:
Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority
Full Bill Text NMA Recommendation:
UPDATE May 18, 2021: Died in Transportation Committee.
Senator Jeff Brandes introduced this bill on February 6, 2021. It has not as yet been referred to a Senate committee.
The summary of SB 1130 describes its purpose: “Repealing provisions relating to the creation and operation of the authority; dissolving the authority and requiring the authority to discharge its liabilities, settle and close its activities and affairs, and provide for the distribution of the authority’s assets, etc.”
TBARTA constantly pushes for major traffic lane reductions, and the redirecting of motorist and taxpayer-provided funding (that should be used for much-needed improvements to roads and bridges) to expensive mass transit systems that require ongoing public subsidies for financial solvency.
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