New Jersey Senate Bill 1322 – Prohibits Use of Citation Rates When Evaluating Police Officer’s Performance

Bill No.:
SB 1322
Bill Location:
New JerseyGovernors' Office
Bill Title:

Prohibits law enforcement agencies from considering number of arrests made and citations issued when evaluating police officer's professional performance.

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NMA Recommendation:

UPDATE October 12, 2021: This bill was signed into law on October 7, 2021. 

Senate Bill 1322 was introduced to the NJ State Senate on Feb. 10, 2020. It is a carryover of S3400 from the 2019 legislative session, and is the same as A4058 which was introduced to the State Assembly on May 7, 2020.

The NMA supports S1322. Law enforcement officers should never be pressured to issue tickets in order to meet a performance-based quota. To do so results in unnecessary, and often unjustified, ticketing which is unfair to motorists and breeds distrust between the community and police.

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