In this week’s Roundup!
–Transit subsidies seem to be a bust–
–9th Circuit upholds speeding stop in non-existent work zone–
–CO court denies public right to vote on RLCs–
Friday, October 27, 2017
Report: Billions In Subsidies Fail To Save Transit
The $1.1 trillion in federal, state and local government dollars handed to public transit systems over the past four decades has failed to make traveling by bus, rail or trolley any more popular. That was the finding of a Cato Institute report released on Tuesday examining the history of transit in the United States. The think tank found that the annual $50 billion cash infusion these systems currently receive has resulted in a drop, not an increase, in ridership.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Top Redflex Exec Renews Push For Settlement Cash
As soon as federal authorities began investigating Redflex Traffic Systems, Aaron M. Rosenberg immediately began snitching on his colleagues. The Australian firm’s former executive vice president escaped any prison sentence for his central role in the massive bribery scandal that sent his boss to prison, but he now seeks an even greater reward. In a newly filed argument filed with the Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals, Rosenberg renewed his demand for a $2.3 million pay day as a whistleblower.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Ninth Circuit Upholds Speeding Stop In Non-Existent Work Zone
Motorists can be stopped for speeding even when there are no posted signs advising of a lowered speed limit. That was the the view expressed Friday by the Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals in upholding the conviction of James Pratt, who was pulled over for allegedly speeding in Redding, California on July 12, 2012 at 11:26pm.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Colorado Court Denies Public Vote On Speed Cameras
There will be no public vote on the future of speed cameras in Sheridan, Colorado — for now. The state Court of Appeals on Thursday refused to give the town’s resident a say in whether automated ticketing machines are used in their community because the group Ban It Sheridan missed a technical deadline by a few days for challenging the city clerk’s maneuver that kept the issue off the ballot.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Maryland, France, Sweden: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Sawed
Vigilantes tore down a speed camera in Ingaro, Sweden, on Sunday. According to NVP, the device was left cut in half on the side of Eknasvagen road. In Lacanau, France, vigilantes last week disabled the speed camera on the D6 by shooting it with a paintball gun, leaving white blotches that blocked its lenses, Sud Ouest reported. In Moyenmoutier, vigilantes on Thursday disabled a speed camera by painting it black, according to Vosges Matin. On the island of Corsica, vigilantes covered a speed camera in Ajaccio with a large green trash dumpster, Il Fatto Quotidiano reported.