Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Florida Supreme Court Rejects Traffic Stop Based On Color
Florida drivers may not be pulled over based solely on the color of their cars, the state Supreme Court ruled on Thursday. In a 5 to 2 decision, the justices resolved a split among the lower courts after considering the June 22, 2010 traffic stop of Kerrick Van Teamer, whose bright green Chevrolet caught the eye of an Escambia County deputy sheriff who ran the plates and noticed the database entry said the car should be blue.
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
UK: Injuries And Accident Rise In 20 MPH Zones
Lowering urban speed limits to 20 MPH has been all the rage in the UK. This month, the city of London officially adopted the 20 MPH limit for all boundary roads, with the exception of Westminster. While this is being done in the name of improving safety, the latest statistics suggest accidents are actually on the rise in the lower speed limit zones.
Monday, July 07, 2014
Ohio, Federal Courts Reject Black Pastors Suit Against Speed Cameras
An attempt by black pastors to shut down the speed camera programs in Cleveland and East Cleveland, Ohio was rejected by a state court on Thursday. In March, Pastor A.J. Thompson, head of the TUA Help Save East Cleveland Project, filed suit in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas on behalf of the local civil rights organizations Peace in the Hood, Black on Black Crime and Oppressed Peoples Nation. The groups cited the appellate ruling from January declaring Cleveland’s photo ticketing appeals process illegal as a reason to immediately shut down the Cleveland-area ticketing operations.
Sunday, July 06, 2014
Arizona, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Attacked
Vigilantes in Montecchio Precalcino, Italy disabled a speed camera last week Sunday. Vicenza Today reports the device was ripped out of the ground, causing 4000 euros (US $5440) in damage to the automated ticketing machine. In San Ginesio, vigilantes set fire to a speed camera on Tuesday. According to Cronache Maceratesi, the “Speed Check” machine on the Provinciale 77 in Macchie was disabled.
Thursday, July 03, 2014
Idaho Court Criminalizes Sleeping It Off
States around the nation are sending the message that it is better to attempt to drive home drunk than to sleep it off in a parking lot. The Idaho Court of Appeals on Monday added the state to the list with a ruling condemning Arlyn V. Orr for refusing to say the alphabet backwards and stand on one leg after Madison County Sheriff’s Deputy Shawn Scott roused him from a deep sleep in a public parking lot at 12:20am on March 11, 2011.