Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Iowa Court Sides With State Over Speed Camera Regulation
Sioux City, Iowa is feeling the heat. Earlier this year the South Dakota legislature enacted a law exempting state residents from out-of-state photo radar tickets based entirely on constituent complaints about Sioux City’s speed traps which South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard (R) branded as “abhorrent.” On Monday, an Iowa district court judge sided with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad (R) and his rules designed to curtail Sioux City’s excess.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
UK: Revised Analysis Finds Accidents Increase With Speed Cameras
As “road safety week” kicks off in England, public officials have been touting the benefits of automated ticketing machines. The positive results claimed by government entities do not hold up to scrutiny, claims a report released Monday by Dave Finney, an electronics engineer.
Monday, June 09, 2014
Colorado Governor Vetoes Toll Road Accountability Bill
Critics of long-term toll road contracts complain that they are often negotiated in secrecy by unaccountable bureaucrats, cutting the public out of the process entirely. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D) is not among those who see any problem with the way things are done. On Wednesday he put his veto pen to Senate Bill 14-197, the Transportation Enterprise Transparency Act, ensuring the status quo.
Sunday, June 08, 2014
French Vigilantes Continue To Disable Speed Cameras
In Clecy, France, vigilantes disabled a speed camera with a can of black spraypaint yesterday. Ouest France reports that this was the fourth speed camera in the region to have been attacked in the past month.
Friday, June 06, 2014
California Supreme Court Rescues Red-Light Cameras
The California state lawmaker who once said his legislation would “rein in red-light camera abuses” was not accurately describing the bill’s primary effect. On Thursday, the California Supreme Court made it abundantly clear that Senate Bill 1303Â demonstrated the legislature’s intention to save red-light cameras whose evidence was challenged as hearsay.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Ohio Cops Criminally Charged In Car Chase Shootout
A light blue 1979 Chevy Malibu SS was left wrecked, riddled with 137 bullets in the parking lot of Heritage Middle School in East Cleveland, Ohio on the evening of November 29, 2012. Its unarmed driver, Timothy Russell, and passenger, Malissa William, died at the scene. The case takes on extraordinary significance as a Cuyahoga County grand jury on Friday indicted six of the police officers who were involved.