NMA’s Lane Courtesy Month June 2017 Sweepstakes Survey Press Release
National Motorists Association and National Motorist Association Foundation
Press Release: Information to be used between June 1-30, 2017
For: News & Editorial Directors, Assignment Editors, Radio Talk Show Producers, Transportation and Traffic Reporters
PDF Version: Lane Courtesy Month Sweepstakes Survey 2017 Press Release
For Interviews or Additional Information Contact: Shelia Dunn, NMA Communications Director communications@motorists.org or 608/849-6000
Lane Courtesy Month June 2017 Sweepstakes Survey
Waunakee, WI: June has been designated Lane Courtesy Month by the National Motorists Association and the NMA Foundation. Lane Courtesy or lane discipline as it is sometimes called is quite simply staying in the right lane on the highway except to pass slower moving vehicles. This year, the NMA is holding a Sweepstakes Survey to raise awareness of this valuable driving habit.
One winner will receive a K40 RLS2 Portable Radar/Laser Detector to be used for a personal vehicle. Check out the NMA website at https://ww2.motorists.org or the NMA Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/motorists.
The National Motorists Association urges motorists to serve as a role model by keeping right to yield to faster traffic, practicing Lane Courtesy year round.
Resources for your use:
Lane Courtesy Month News Release
Lane Courtesy Additional Background Information
List of Lane Courtesy Laws in each State
Lane Courtesy Month 2017 Story Ideas
Lane Courtesy Month 2017 Radio PSA Copy
Lane Courtesy Sweepstakes Survey 2017 Radio PSA Copy
NMA Logo Lane Courtesy Month with website URL address
About the National Motorists Association & the NMA Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit
Founded in 1982, the National Motorists Association is a North American grassroots advocacy organization dedicated to the protection of motorists’ rights and freedoms. The membership-based organization advocates for traffic laws fairly written and reasonably enforced, full due process rights in traffic court, traffic penalties based on sensible standards and not revenue collection, reasonable highway user fees, traffic safety based on proven engineering solutions, and a focus on improved and more comprehensive early advanced driving-skill development.
The NMA Foundation, founded in 1999, promotes fresh approaches to highway safety and traffic issues based on reason and sound engineering principles. Through a grant program that encourages a multi-faceted approach of research, education, and legal precedents, the Foundation seeks to protect the interests of the motoring public. The NMA Foundation seeks to protect the interests of the motoring public. The NMA Foundation is the #1 resource for educational materials related to fight unjust traffic tickets, and is a leading national voice on important issues such as lane courtesy.